Manningham City Council has 9 wards with one councillor in each ward.
Map pins are available via the tab key in a list after the map.
You can pan the map with the keyboard arrows.
Current elections
Local council elections will be held by post this October.
Find out more about my council election
Council information
Current councillors
Bolin Ward
Geoff Gough
Currawong Ward
Andrew Conlon
Manna Ward
Tomas Lightbody
Ruffey Ward
Stephen Mayne>
Schramm Ward
Laura Mayne
Tullamore Ward
Deirdre Diamante
Waldau Ward
Anna Chen>
Westerfolds Ward
Michelle Kleinert
Yarra Ward
Carli Lange
Past results
Previous council reviews
2019 representation review
We last reviewed the electoral structure of Manningham City Council in 2019. However, the introduction of the Local Government Act 2020 in April 2020 meant the electoral structure was determined according to the new Act.
Read the report:
Please note, the recommendation in this report is different to the current structure.
Download map
Download council map (PDF)
Download council map (KML)
To view KML files, you will need geographic information systems (GIS) software such as Google Earth.