Disclosure of political activities

Having staff who are politically neutral is critical to our impartiality.

Before offering you a job, we will ask you to disclose any political activities.

We can legally refuse to employ you on the basis of political activity. This is outlined in section 17A of the Electoral Act 2002.

Information we request

As part of the application process we will ask you to complete a form to disclose if:

  1. You have been a candidate for a state, territory or federal parliament or a local council, or held one of those elected positions, in the past 10 years.
  2. You are or have been a member of a political party at a state, territory or federal level in the past 5 years.
  3. You have engaged in activities supporting or opposing a political party or candidate in an election at a state, territory or federal level in the past 5 years.
  4. You have engaged in activities supporting or opposing a candidate in a local council election in the past 5 years.
  5. You have publicly engaged in activities supporting or opposing a political party or candidate's policy position that is currently before the electorate.
  6. You are a member or have been a member within the past 5 years of an advocacy or lobby group that supports or opposes a policy position that is currently before the electorate.

All disclosures are confidential and are handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

If you answer yes to any of the above

If you have been a candidate, held an elected position, or been a member of a party (as described in points 1 or 2), we must refuse your employment.

If you have engaged in any activity as described in points 3 to 6, you can provide more information and we will consider whether to employ you based on:

  • the role you have applied for
  • the nature of the activity and its potential to compromise our independence and impartiality
  • when the activity took place.

Supporting or opposing a political party or candidate

In points 3 and 4, activities that support or oppose a political party or candidate in an election in the past 5 years may include:

  • Donating to a political party or candidate. You will need to let us know the dollar amount and approximately when you made the donation(s).
  • Campaigning for a political party or candidate. This includes handing out how-to-vote cards or flyers, doorknocking or making phone calls, displaying signs on your property, or declaring your support on social media.
  • Volunteering, scrutineering, working or providing goods/services for a political party or candidate.

Activities supporting or opposing a policy position

In point 5, publicly engaging in activities supporting or opposing a policy position currently before the electorate may include:

  • writing, sharing, liking or commenting on social media posts that support or oppose a policy position
  • making comments on television or talkback radio, or giving media interviews that support or oppose a policy position
  • putting your name on a petition that supports or opposes a party, candidate or policy position
  • writing letters to the editor, op-eds or blog posts supporting or opposing a party, candidate or policy position
  • organising, speaking at or attending a rally, fundraiser or other political event.

In point 6, membership of a lobby or advocacy group does not include a union or professional association.

Policy positions currently before the electorate

When a political issue is ‘currently before the electorate’, it is something that voters might consider when deciding who to vote for, or that a party has made part of their campaign, at an upcoming election.

Even if you engaged in these activities in the past, a political party or candidate may still have a relevant policy position before the electorate.

More information

If you are unsure whether something you've done counts as political activity, it's best to include it in your disclosure. Remember, unless you've responded 'yes' to points 1 or 2, we will consider the circumstances of the activity and the role you're applying for when deciding whether to employ or appoint you. 

If we have decided not to employ you because of any previous political activity and you disagree with our decision you can request a review. 

If you have a question about this process, please call us on 131 832 and ask to speak to a member of our People Services team.

These requirements were issued in the Victorian Government Gazette on 28 July 2022.