© State of Victoria (Victorian Electoral Commission) 2024.
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- any images, photographs, videos or branding, including the VEC logo, and
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© Victorian Electoral Commission
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In some cases, a third party may hold copyright in material presented on this website. You may need their permission to use the material.
For more information, or to seek permission to use information from this website, contact us.
This website is provided for information purposes only. Every effort is made to maintain accurate and up-to-date information.
We do not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or the use of such information or advice) provided on this website or incorporated into it by reference.
The information on this website is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content.
We do not take responsibility for information or services that may appear on linked websites.
Social media terms of use
We use social media to increase public awareness of elections and the democratic process in Victoria.
Because we are independent and impartial, we provide the following terms and conditions. This is to ensure that being on social media does not affect our ability to run elections or fulfil our other roles.
Our Facebook page, Twitter feed and YouTube channel are monitored between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday. We monitor over extended hours as needed during elections.