Learn to vote
free schools program
Passport to democracy
Our team of VIT registered teachers can visit your school to hold a free education session for your students. Our incursions and resources are aligned with the Victorian and Australian Civics and Citizenship curriculum for levels 3-10. We also have a VCAL specific curriculum resource available, Partner Up. Book a session or download our free resources on the Passport to Democracy website
Passport to Democracy
electoral education kit
Talking Democracy resources
Talking Democracy is a free civic education kit for people teaching and studying English as an Additional Language or other courses in TAFE, school or community settings. This kit covers electoral concepts, the three levels of government in Victoria, who can enrol and vote, and how to vote correctly.
Talking Democracy resources
voter education
Book a session
We can deliver free online voter education sessions to communities including people who have disability, experience homelessness, are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, are culturally and linguistically diverse, or young people.
Book an information session
Easy English guides
Easy English guides provide electoral information in simple language and pictures to help people who have difficulty reading. Our guides can be used to support co-reading between two people, to ensure that the text and pictures support a person's understanding of the information
Easy English guides
elections timeline
History of elections in Victoria
Did you know Victoria was the first State in the world to introduce a secret ballot? Or that women got the right to vote in Victoria in 1908? Find out more in this democracy timeline.
History of elections in Victoria