Surf Coast Shire Council results

Last updated: Friday, 22 November 2024 12:27 PM
Ward Voting count method
Otway Range Ward Proportional representation
Torquay Ward Proportional representation
Winchelsea Ward Proportional representation

Otway Range Ward (3 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: STAPLETON, Libby (1st elected)
Elected: WALKER, Leon (2nd elected)
Elected: BODSWORTH, Mike (3rd elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 9852
Formal votes: 8083
Informal votes: 134 (1.63% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 8217 (83.40% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 2021

Distribution report (Excel, 46kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
STAPLETON, Libby 2615 32.35%
BODSWORTH, Mike 1869 23.12%
GAZZARD, Kate 1379 17.06%
WALKER, Leon 2220 27.47%

Torquay Ward (3 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: PATTISON, Liz (1st elected)
Elected: BOURKE, Rebecca (2nd elected)
Elected: BARKER, Paul (3rd elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 10276
Formal votes: 8344
Informal votes: 236 (2.75% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 8580 (83.50% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 2087

Distribution report (Excel, 48kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
BOURKE, Rebecca 1662 19.92%
BARKER, Paul 1421 17.03%
DUKE, Martin 848 10.16%
MENOGUE, Eric 910 10.91%
PATTISON, Liz 2002 23.99%
CROCKETT, Phoebe 1501 17.99%

Winchelsea Ward (3 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: GRIST, Joel (1st elected)
Elected: PHELPS, Tony (2nd elected)
Elected: SCHONFELDER, Adrian Dwight (3rd elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 9997
Formal votes: 8062
Informal votes: 278 (3.33% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 8340 (83.43% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 2016

Distribution report (Excel, 48kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
HENRY, Aleisja 1404 17.42%
PHELPS, Tony 1528 18.95%
WILSON, Darryl 1082 13.42%
GRIST, Joel 1611 19.98%
HODGE, Rose 1234 15.31%
SCHONFELDER, Adrian Dwight 1203 14.92%