2024 Borough of Queenscliffe Council election results

Last updated: Friday, 22 November 2024 12:27 PM
Council Voting count method
Queenscliffe Borough Council Proportional representation

Queenscliffe Borough Council (5 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: GRIGAU, Donnie (1st elected)
Elected: TOLHURST, Isabelle (2nd elected)
Elected: MONAHAN, Brendan (3rd elected)
Elected: RULE, Di (4th elected)
Elected: CAMERON, Hélène (5th elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 3351
Formal votes: 2853
Informal votes: 91 (3.09% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 2944 (87.85% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 476

Distribution report (Excel, 61kB)

Recount results for first preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
RULE, Di 391 13.70%
GRIGAU, Donnie 637 22.33%
MINTY, Rob 98 3.43%
EBBELS, Ross 209 7.33%
ORFORD, David 78 2.73%
ROOB, Ralph 118 4.14%
COLOMBO, Lucille Maria 50 1.75%
TOLHURST, Isabelle 507 17.77%
JEWELL, Peter 85 2.98%
MONAHAN, Brendan 476 16.68%
CAMERON, Hélène 204 7.15%