Warrandyte District by-election results

Elected member

WERNER, Nicole

Recheck votes

  • Total enrolment as at close of rolls:


  • Formal votes:


  • Informal votes:

    2344 (5.77% of the total votes)

  • Total votes:

    40623 (79.67% of the total enrolment as at the close of rolls)

Recheck first preference votes

Candidate Party 1st pref. votes % votes
CORCORAN, Jack Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1030 2.69%
WERNER, Nicole Liberal 21921 57.27%
CHEESMAN, Greg Freedom Party of Victoria 846 2.21%
DE WIT, Cary Labour DLP 2204 5.76%
CHOW, Wai Man Raymond 694 1.81%
RANIERI, Morgan 168 0.44%
BOLGER, Colleen Victorian Socialists 1459 3.81%
GRIFFITH-JONES, Richard Family First Victoria 1073 2.80%
JENKINS, Philip 77 0.20%
TESA, Maya 1556 4.06%
LIGHTBODY, Tomas Australian Greens 7130 18.63%
MENADUE, Alan Max 121 0.32%
Recheck results by voting centre
Primary results for Warrandyte District (Excel)

Two candidate preferred vote

Party Candidate Preferred votes % preferred votes
Liberal WERNER, Nicole 27334 70.99%
Australian Greens LIGHTBODY, Tomas 11172 29.01%

Two candidate preferred results by voting centre

The two-candidate preferred count is intended to provide an early indication of election results but has no status in determining the actual election outcome. Minor variations may be observed with rechecked results and the preference distribution.

Learn more about the two-candidate preferred count (video).