Sandringham District results

Elected member


Recheck votes

  • Total enrolment as at close of rolls:


  • Formal votes:


  • Informal votes:

    1699 (4.03% of the total votes)

  • Total votes:

    42211 (91.15% of the total enrolment as at the close of rolls)

Recheck first preference votes

Candidate Party 1st pref. votes % votes
REGAN, Alysia Australian Greens 5949 14.68%
ZMEGAC, Karla Labour DLP 749 1.85%
PRESCOTT, Bettina Australian Labor Party - Victorian Branch 10426 25.74%
EPPINGSTALL, Barbara Animal Justice Party 976 2.41%
ROWSWELL, Brad Liberal 18783 46.36%
CHALMERS, Jill Family First Victoria 714 1.76%
CAMPBELL, Rodney 115 0.28%
MARTIN, Clarke 2800 6.91%
Recheck results by voting centre
Primary results for Sandringham District (Excel)

Results after distribution of preferences

Candidate Party Votes after distribution % votes
REGAN, Alysia Australian Greens 7950 19.62%
PRESCOTT, Bettina Australian Labor Party - Victorian Branch 11825 29.19%
ROWSWELL, Brad Liberal 20737 51.19%

Two candidate preferred vote

Two candidate preferred results by voting centre

The two-candidate preferred (2CP) count has been replaced by the preference distribution. You can still see the 2CP results by voting centre at the link above.

The two-candidate preferred count gives an early indication of the election results. It plays no role in deciding the actual successful candidate. There may be minor changes as the results are rechecked and preferences distributed.

Learn more about the two-candidate preferred count (video).

Full preference distribution

This district would normally not require a full preference distribution because the elected candidate achieved an absolute majority before all or any preferences were distributed. In 2023, we conducted an indicative full preference distribution for information and statistical purposes.

View indicative distributions