Eureka District results

Elected member

SETTLE, Michaela
Australian Labor Party - Victorian Branch

Recheck votes

  • Total enrolment as at close of rolls:


  • Formal votes:


  • Informal votes:

    3297 (6.79% of the total votes)

  • Total votes:

    48544 (89.09% of the total enrolment as at the close of rolls)

Recheck first preference votes

Candidate Party 1st pref. votes % votes
TATCHELL, Paul Liberal 14320 31.65%
GIAMPAOLO, Anthony Joseph Freedom Party of Victoria 967 2.14%
McCOLL, Sam Australian Greens 4887 10.80%
GARCIA, Adrian Family First Victoria 1233 2.73%
RICKARD, Tabitha Labour DLP 1821 4.02%
MORRISON, Wendy Animal Justice Party 1519 3.36%
RAY, Michael 666 1.47%
REID, Nicola 1083 2.39%
BANWELL, Mark William 220 0.49%
SETTLE, Michaela Australian Labor Party - Victorian Branch 18531 40.96%
Recheck results by voting centre
Primary results for Eureka District (Excel)

Results after distribution of preferences

Candidate Party Votes after distribution % votes
TATCHELL, Paul Liberal 19378 42.83%
SETTLE, Michaela Australian Labor Party - Victorian Branch 25869 57.17%

Two candidate preferred vote

Two candidate preferred results by voting centre

The two-candidate preferred (2CP) count has been replaced by the preference distribution. You can still see the 2CP results by voting centre at the link above.

The two-candidate preferred count gives an early indication of the election results. It plays no role in deciding the actual successful candidate. There may be minor changes as the results are rechecked and preferences distributed.

Learn more about the two-candidate preferred count (video).