Benambra District results

Elected member


Recheck votes

  • Total enrolment as at close of rolls:


  • Formal votes:


  • Informal votes:

    2099 (4.85% of the total votes)

  • Total votes:

    43234 (86.39% of the total enrolment as at the close of rolls)

Recheck first preference votes

Candidate Party 1st pref. votes % votes
FUERY, Mike Animal Justice Party 1170 2.84%
ROSSITER, Dean Liberal Democrats 804 1.95%
BRADY, Luke Australian Greens 1592 3.87%
HAWKINS, Jacqui 13038 31.70%
STRATTON, Janelle Family First Victoria 815 1.98%
TILLEY, Bill Liberal 17658 42.93%
TAIT, Mark Australian Labor Party - Victorian Branch 5375 13.07%
O'BRIEN, Adrian James Freedom Party of Victoria 683 1.66%
Recheck results by voting centre
Primary results for Benambra District (Excel)

Results after distribution of preferences

Candidate Party Votes after distribution % votes
HAWKINS, Jacqui 20179 49.06%
TILLEY, Bill Liberal 20956 50.94%

Two candidate preferred vote

Two candidate preferred results by voting centre

The two-candidate preferred (2CP) count has been replaced by the preference distribution. You can still see the 2CP results by voting centre at the link above.

The two-candidate preferred count gives an early indication of the election results. It plays no role in deciding the actual successful candidate. There may be minor changes as the results are rechecked and preferences distributed.

Learn more about the two-candidate preferred count (video).

Two party preferred vote

Party Candidate Preferred votes % of preferred votes
Australian Labor Party - Victorian Branch TAIT, Mark 15114 36.74%
Liberal TILLEY, Bill 26021 63.26%