Moorabool Shire Council election results 2020

Last updated: Friday, 22 November 2024 12:26 PM
Ward Voting count method
Central Moorabool Ward Preferential
East Moorabool Ward Proportional representation
West Moorabool Ward Preferential
Woodlands Ward Preferential

Central Moorabool Ward (1 vacancy)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidate is declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: TATCHELL, Paul

Count summary

Enrolment: 3636
Formal votes: 2973
Informal votes: 78 (2.56% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 3051 (83.91% of the total enrolment)

Distribution report (Excel, 21kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
ROBINSON, Renée Rachelle 622 20.92%
DAVISON, Ben 887 29.84%
GRAINGER, Verity Julia 198 6.66%
TATCHELL, Paul 1266 42.58%

Results after distribution of preferences

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate Votes after distribution Percentage
DAVISON, Ben 1387 46.65%
TATCHELL, Paul 1586 53.35%

East Moorabool Ward (4 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: WARD, Rodney (1st elected)
Elected: BERRY, Moira (2nd elected)
Elected: EDWARDS, David Charles (3rd elected)
Elected: DUDZIK, Tonia (4th elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 16884
Formal votes: 13445
Informal votes: 639 (4.54% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 14084 (83.42% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 2690

Distribution report (Excel, 30kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
TATCHELL, Helen 1247 9.27%
WARD, Rodney 2552 18.98%
BERRY, Moira 1681 12.50%
GAUR, Prabhat 269 2.00%
HASSAN, Seray 564 4.19%
DUDZIK, Tonia 1644 12.23%
BINGHAM, Jarrod James 1498 11.14%
EDWARDS, David Charles 1749 13.01%
LANE, Nicola 1162 8.64%
SCARFF, Margaret 484 3.60%
WESTON, Larissa 595 4.43%

West Moorabool Ward (1 vacancy)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidate is declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: SULLIVAN, Thomas Gerard

Count summary

Enrolment: 3814
Formal votes: 3010
Informal votes: 115 (3.68% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 3125 (81.93% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
WATTERS, Lindsay 766 25.45%
SULLIVAN, Thomas Gerard 2244 74.55%

Woodlands Ward (1 vacancy)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidate is declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: MUNARI, Ally

Count summary

Enrolment: 3613
Formal votes: 2956
Informal votes: 92 (3.02% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 3048 (84.36% of the total enrolment)

Distribution report (Excel, 20kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
MUNARI, Ally 1057 35.76%
MORRIS, Phaedra 912 30.85%
KEOGH, John 987 33.39%

Results after distribution of preferences

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate Votes after distribution Percentage
MUNARI, Ally 1522 51.49%
KEOGH, John 1434 48.51%