Hobsons Bay City Council election results 2020

Last updated: Friday, 22 November 2024 12:26 PM
Ward Voting count method
Cherry Lake Ward Proportional representation
Strand Ward Proportional representation
Wetlands Ward Proportional representation

Cherry Lake Ward (2 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: BRIFFA, Tony (1st elected)
Elected: KELLANDER, Daria (2nd elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 19868
Formal votes: 15825
Informal votes: 503 (3.08% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 16328 (82.18% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 5276

Distribution report (Excel, 26kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
KOTAK, Shavita 1272 8.04%
DAWSON, David 1487 9.40%
KELLANDER, Daria 2950 18.64%
DYBALA, Dominique 942 5.95%
KADENDE, Augustin 2188 13.83%
GEIGER, Angelica 736 4.65%
BRIFFA, Tony 6250 39.49%

Strand Ward (3 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: MARSDEN, Jonathon (1st elected)
Elected: HEMPHILL, Peter (2nd elected)
Elected: SUTTON-LEGAUD, Pamela (3rd elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 28308
Formal votes: 22407
Informal votes: 1124 (4.78% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 23531 (83.12% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 5602

Distribution report (Excel, 31kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
ALEXANDER, Ross 952 4.25%
ASSAF, Wajde Wade 1013 4.52%
HEMPHILL, Peter 3805 16.98%
GIRI, Damian 1150 5.13%
WARD, Angus 1475 6.58%
SUTTON-LEGAUD, Pamela 2536 11.32%
WHOOLEY, Helen 514 2.29%
BENTLEY, Lisa 2173 9.70%
CHRISTIE, Lachlan 934 4.17%
KADE, Daniel 263 1.17%
MARSDEN, Jonathon 5068 22.62%
McKINNON, Daniel 2524 11.26%

Wetlands Ward (2 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: TYLER, Matt (1st elected)
Elected: GRIMA, Diana (2nd elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 20145
Formal votes: 15950
Informal votes: 719 (4.31% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 16669 (82.75% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 5317

Distribution report (Excel, 29kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
LAMBRA, Ranbir 847 5.31%
McGUIRE, Graham 1251 7.84%
CURRIE, Stephen 2161 13.55%
GRIMA, Diana 2348 14.72%
TORR, Adele 1136 7.12%
TYLER, Matt 3665 22.98%
HILL, Amanda 1685 10.56%
QUINLAN, Ian 886 5.55%
RICHEY, Grant 440 2.76%
ANREP, John 1531 9.60%