Macedon Ranges Shire Council results

Last updated: Friday, 22 November 2024 12:26 PM
Ward Voting count method
East Ward Proportional representation
South Ward Proportional representation
West Ward Proportional representation

East Ward (3 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: BORTHWICK, Cassy (1st elected)
Elected: YOUNG, Daniel (2nd elected)
Elected: SCANLON, Andrew (3rd elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 12535
Formal votes: 10288
Informal votes: 431 (4.02% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 10719 (85.51% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 2573

Distribution report (Excel, 50kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
BLEECK, Henry 1154 11.22%
NEIL, Geoffrey Allan 1137 11.05%
SCANLON, Andrew 1458 14.17%
YOUNG, Daniel 2059 20.01%
BORTHWICK, Cassy 2837 27.58%
ALDERTON, Dion 1145 11.13%
McKENZIE, Andy 498 4.84%

South Ward (3 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: BONANNO, Dom (1st elected)
Elected: WALKER, Christine (2nd elected)
Elected: JOSEPH, Alison (3rd elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 13698
Formal votes: 11278
Informal votes: 342 (2.94% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 11620 (84.83% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 2820

Distribution report (Excel, 48kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
JOSEPH, Alison 2361 20.93%
LETCHFORD, John 1218 10.80%
BONANNO, Dom 3084 27.35%
WALKER, Christine 2447 21.70%
GUTHRIE, Rob 2168 19.22%

West Ward (3 vacancies)

Results for this election have been finalised. The following candidates are declared elected.

Elected candidates

Elected: KENDALL, Kate (1st elected)
Elected: ANDERSON, Jennifer (2nd elected)
Elected: PEARCE, Janet (3rd elected)

Count summary

Enrolment: 12936
Formal votes: 10450
Informal votes: 435 (4.00% of the total votes)
Voter turnout: 10885 (84.15% of the total enrolment)
Quota: 2613

Distribution report (Excel, 54kB)

First preference votes

Please note: all percentages have been rounded to 2 decimal places.

Candidate First preference votes Percentage
KEATS, Callum 1182 11.31%
ANDERSON, Jennifer 2318 22.18%
HAINTZ, Andrea 407 3.89%
KENDALL, Kate 4040 38.66%
HAYMAN, Karan 414 3.96%
PEARCE, Janet 1288 12.33%
TEMPLETON, Ryan 390 3.73%
BAKES, Rob 411 3.93%