Electoral structure and ward boundary reviews

Logo for the electoral representation advisory panelDuring 2023–24, we provided support to 2 electoral representation advisory panels reviewing the electoral structures of 39 local councils. Additionally, we conducted 10 in-house ward boundary reviews.

Electoral structure reviews

Under the Local Government Act 2020 (Vic) (LG Act), the electoral representation advisory panels are appointed by the Minister for Local Government and must include the Electoral Commissioner or their representative.

The LG Act establishes that councils must adopt a single-councillor ward structure unless the minister allows the council to adopt one of the alternative structures in the Act. During the 2023–24 reviews, metropolitan, interface, and regional city councils were required to adopt single-councillor ward structures. Large and small rural shire councils could:

  • be unsubdivided
  • have multi-councillor wards with equal representation
  • have single-councillor wards.

The reviews aimed to ensure all local councils complied with the LG Act before the October 2024 elections.

After 3 rounds, the reviews concluded in January 2024. All panel recommendations were accepted by the minister and gazetted on Thursday 15 February 2024.

We supported the panels with:

  • administrative services
  • demographic projections
  • research, boundary modelling, and maps
  • public engagement services, including public submissions.

Ward boundary reviews

Under the LG Act, we conduct ward boundary reviews. The Minister for Local Government may request a review of a council's ward boundaries if the number of voters per councillor in one or more wards is projected to deviate from the average by more than 10% at the next general election.

In response to our 22 February 2023 advice, the minister requested reviews for 10 local councils. Our review panel was made up of 2 of our senior members, including the program sponsor. The same team who supported the electoral structure reviews also supported the ward boundary reviews.

The minister accepted our recommended boundary adjustments for the 10 councils, which were gazetted on Tuesday 28 May 2024.

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