Application to change Companions and Pets Party name and logo

Thursday 13 March 2025

For immediate release

The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) has received an application to change the name logo of a registered political party in accordance with the Electoral Act 2002 (the Act).

Name of party: Companions and Pets Party

Current abbreviation: Companions and Pets

Current initials: CAP

Current logo:

Companions and Pets Party logo

Proposed name: Liberal Democratic Party

Proposed abbreviation: Liberal Democrats

Proposed initials:: LDP

Proposed logo:

Proposed Liberal Democratic Party logo - a black square with a white outline of Australia. The words Liberal Democratic Party are inside the outline.

The application has been signed by the secretary of the party.

Objections to the proposed change must be submitted to the VEC no later than Saturday 12 April. Valid reasons for objecting include a proposed name not being allowed under section 47 of the Act or a proposed logo not being allowed under section 47A of the Act.

Letters of objection can be posted to the VEC, Level 11, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 or emailed to

Objections must be signed and include the objector's address. Details of any objections will be de-identified and made available to the applicant.