Release of enrolment information

We only share voters' details if:

  • we are required to by law
  • it is in the public interest to share them with an organisation.

We do not share the details of silent electors.

Information we are required to share

The Electoral Act 2002 requires us to make the electoral roll available for public view. You can access the roll at our head office. The roll is not available to view online. 

By law, we are also required to provide voter's details to:

  • registered political parties, Members of Parliament (MPs) and candidates
  • local councils
  • the Juries Commissioner.

We do not provide email addresses or phone numbers.

More information about your privacy.

Information sharing agreements

The Electoral Act and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 allow us to enter into information-sharing agreements with other organisations if it is in the public interest.

These agreements mean we provide ongoing, periodic or once-only access to voters' details under strict conditions.

All information sharing is handled according to our privacy policy and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

Organisations we share information with include:

Victoria Police

We provide Victoria Police with limited access to electoral enrolment details for the purpose of law enforcement. This includes name, address, date of birth and gender. Victoria Police accesses this information through a dedicated online look-up facility provided under a strict protocol.

State Revenue Office

We provide the State Revenue Office with electoral enrolment information every month for the purpose of fulfilling its legislative functions. This includes name, address, date of birth and gender.

BreastScreen Victoria

We provide BreastScreen Victoria with electoral enrolment information on a quarterly basis. This includes name, address, date of birth and elector identification number of all Victorian women between the ages of 50 and 69. BreastScreen may only use this information to send invites for free, routine breast screening.

Adoption Information Service

On request, we provide the Adoption Information Service with verified or up-to-date enrolment details for the purpose of fulfilling its obligations under the Adoption Act 1984. This includes name, address and date of birth. This agency was formerly known as Family Information Networks and Discovery.


On request, we provide Anglicare with verified or up-to-date enrolment details for the purpose of fulfilling its obligations under the Adoption Act 1984. This includes name, address and date of birth.

Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority

On request, we provide the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority with verified or up-to-date enrolment details for the purpose of fulfilling its obligations under the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008. This includes name, address and date of birth.